Full Stack Web Development Master Program
Course Description:
This course delves into the comprehensive process of full stack development, covering both front end and back end development. You’ll gain a solid understanding of how to build complete web applications from scratch, learning both client-side and server-side technologies. The course will equip you with the critical skills to design, develop, and deploy dynamic web applications.
Course Overview:
Developing an application’s front end and back end together is known as full stack development.Every application consists of a backend (database and logic) and a frontend (user interface). The user interface and the program code that controls how users interact with the application are located in the frontend. All of the code needed for the application to function, including data processing, communication with other apps, and connections with data systems, is found in the backend.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Develop front end web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, and React.
- Build back end applications with NodeJS, ExpressJS, MS SQL, and MongoDB.
- Integrate front end and back end systems seamlessly.
- Optimize web applications for performance and scalability.
- Implement security measures and user authentication in web applications.
- Deploy full stack applications to production environments.
Course Structure:
The course will be delivered in a blended format with a combination of theoretical explanations, practical exercises, and discussions.
Course Modules:
Frontend Development
Week 1: HTML & CSS
- Introduction to HTML & CSS
- Overview of HTML and Commonly Used Tags
- Semantic Elements and HTML Forms
- Basics of CSS and Styling HTML Elements
Week 2: JavaScript
- Introduction to JavaScript
- DOM Manipulation and Asynchronous JavaScript
- Working with JavaScript Modules and ES6 Features
- Handling Errors and Making API Calls
Week 3: AngularJS
- Introduction to AngularJS
- Understanding TypeScript and Angular Components
- Building Responsive Web Designs
- Event Binding and Dependency Injection in Angular
Week 4: React JS
- Introduction and Setup of React JS
- App Component and JSX
- Functional Components and Adding CSS
- Managing State and Props in React
Backend Development
Week 5: MS SQL
- Introduction to SQL and Database Basics
- Advanced SQL Techniques
- User Defined Functions and SQL Optimization
Week 6: Backend Development with NodeJS & ExpressJS
- Getting Started with NodeJS
- Understanding Node Module System and File Streams
- Building Web Servers and RESTful APIs with ExpressJS
- Middleware and Routing in ExpressJS
Week 7: MongoDB
- Introduction to MongoDB and Mongoose
- Performing CRUD Operations
- Data Validation and Relationship Modeling
- Authentication and Authorization in MongoDB
Week 8: Spring Core and Spring Boot
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Basics of Spring Core and Aspect-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Spring Boot and Configuration
- Data Access, Web Development, and Testing in Spring Boot
Post Training Support:
Week 9-10: Project Development & Submission
- Hands-on Project Development with Guidance
- Integration of Learned Technologies into a Full Stack Application
Week 11: Revision 1
- Review of Key Concepts and Advanced Topics
Week 12: Revision 2
- Final Preparation and Project Fine-Tuning