DreamsPlus offers a comprehensive AWS training through the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty Boot Camp, available both in Chennai and online. This program is designed to provide hands-on experience and prepare you for AWS certification, including the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification, complementing your AWS developer and AWS developer associate certification journey.
Domain 1: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities 14%
Domain 2: Skill Design 24%
Domain 3: Skill Architecture 14%
Domain 4: Skill Development 20%
Domain 5: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot 18%
Domain 6: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management 10%
1.1 Explain the way in which users engage with talents
1.2 Connect capabilities and features to use cases
2.1 Create and create a model of interaction
2.2 Create a dialogue with multiple turns.
2.3 Utilize pre-existing slots and intents
2.4 Respond to or handle unforeseen requests in a conversation
2.5 Create multimodal abilities through the use of one or more service interfaces (e.g., devices, audio, and video).
3.1 List the AWS services (Amazon CloudFront, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon DynamoDB) that can be used to expand the functionality of an Alexa skill.
3.2: Develop your Alexa skills with AWS Lambda
3.3 Adhere to the security and privacy best practices for AWS and Alexa’s service interfaces (such as those for audio, video, and gadgets).
4.1 Use Amazon Pay and in-skill purchases for Alexa Skills.
4.2 Use MP3 audio and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) for expressiveness.
4.3 Put state management into practice.
4.4 Put in the audio, video, and screen interfaces for Alexa to use.
4.5 Interpret JSON queries from Alexa and reply
5.1 Use Amazon CloudWatch or other tools to debug and troubleshoot.
5.2 Employ the testing tools for Alexa developers.
5.3 Carry out beta testing.
5.4 Resolve issues with the interaction model.
6.1 Explain the procedure for publishing skills.
6.2 Using the developer console, add and remove users
6.3 Use the developer console to analyze skill analytics.
6.4 Distinguish between different skill versions and statuses (e.g., in development, in certification, and live).