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Feedback & Appeals 

Complaints, Reviews, Objections, Appeals

DreamsPlus is committed to maintaining the high quality of its examinations, accreditations, and other services. However, if you have a concern that needs to be addressed, such as disagreeing with the results of an exam you’ve taken, we have clear and well-documented procedures in place for handling complaints, objections, and appeals.

DreamsPlus has a general complaints procedure for any issues related to our services, along with two specific procedures: the Review and Objection procedure, and the Objection and Appeal procedure. You can find detailed information on these procedures in the Rules and Regulations for DreamsPlus Examinations.

We strive to address all complaints in a constructive, objective, and timely manner.

Content-Related Exam Issues: Review and Appeal

If you disagree with the scoring of your examination by DreamsPlus, or if you failed your exam but believe you answered a specific question correctly, you could think that you are still eligible to receive a certificate.


If this is the situation,you can request an exam review. During the review, you’ll have the opportunity to review all exam materials to support your claim for a certificate. If you still disagree with the outcome after the review, you have the right to appeal the decision. Please note that there are costs associated with the review. To schedule a review, contact the Candidate Support department.


All appeals are reviewed by the DreamsPlus Board of Appeal, an independent body that consults external experts on the case. The decisions made by the Board of Appeal are final. You must file your appeal within two months from the date of the decision you are challenging. Please note that filing an appeal involves certain costs.


  • Appeal costs must be paid in advance.
  • Submit a fully completed appeal form.
  • Provide supporting information and reasons for your appeal.

For more details on how to file an appeal after a review, contact the Candidate Support department. If the DreamsPlus Board of Appeal upholds your appeal, the costs for both the review and the appeal will be refunded.

Violation of Rules and Consequences: Objection and Appeal

If you took an exam and DreamsPlus did not issue a certificate due to suspected fraud or a breach of exam rules, and you disagree with the imposed sanction, you must first file an objection with DreamsPlus. If your objection is rejected, you can then appeal the decision.


If you disagree with a decision or sanction imposed by DreamsPlus, which you received in writing or by email, you can file an objection free of charge. You must submit your objection within two months from the date of the decision you are challenging.


  • The decision must be one that is eligible for objection according to DreamsPlus’s Rules and Regulations.
  • Submit a fully completed Objection Form.
  • Provide supporting information and reasons for your objection.

For more details on how to file an objection, refer to the Rules and Regulations for DreamsPlus Examinations, or contact the Candidate Support department. If your objection is rejected and you still disagree, you have the right to appeal the decision to the DreamsPlus Board of Appeal.

Complaints Regarding Service Quality and Other Issues

If you have a complaint about our services or any other issue, please contact the Candidate Support department. In most cases, our staff can address and resolve your complaint promptly. If they cannot resolve it immediately, your complaint will be logged, and you will receive an email update on how it will be handled.

In some instances, a complaint may lead to an appeal, especially if it concerns the administration or organization of an exam and negatively impacts your performance. If you can demonstrate this, the complaint may be treated as an objection, giving you the right to appeal any negative decision made by DreamsPlus.

Remember, appeals must be filed within two months from the date of the negative decision by DreamsPlus, and the complaint must be submitted within two months of the incident related to the complaint.


While DreamsPlus strives to offer accurate and current information on this website, occasional errors or omissions may occur. Visitors and clients should not rely on the information provided as a basis for any rights. The same should be verified with DreamsPlus for any accuracy and integrity time to time.

DreamsPlus may update or change the information on this site without prior notice. We disclaim any liability for damages resulting from your access to or use of this website.